
The REBUILD Project started in April 2021 and will finish at the end of March 2025


Guide to the policies and procedures of the communication strategy between municipalities, citizens, civil society and the media

A presentation of the MoLG communication strategy called "Guide to the policies and procedures of the communication strategy between municipalities, [...]

October 8th, 2024|

Implementation status of the first pilot project (Fisheries) within the REBUILD project

The pilot project ‘Fisheries’ is progressing according to the agreed implementation plan, that foresees the establishment of a fishery collection [...]

October 8th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

REBUILD project support to Libyan universities for their pivotal role in supporting decentralization efforts

First of all, we would like to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude for the efforts made by Libyan universities [...]

September 4th, 2024|Tags: |


Provincia autonoma di TrentoAutonomous Province of Trento

Municipalità di Azzawiya  Municipality of Az-zawiya

 Municipality of Benghazi

Municipality of Beni Walid

 Municipality of Gharyan

Municipality of Sebha

 Municipality of Sirte

 Municipality of Tobruk

 Municipality of Tripoli Centre

 Municipality of Zintan

 Municipality of Zliten

Regione FVGRegion Friuli Venezia Giulia

Affiliated entity

International Cooperation Centre

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