Role of the Steering Committee. It is the decision-making body of the REBUILD project. It establishes the general strategy, guides and supervises the actions of the project. It plays an important role in ensuring the sustainability of the project results.
Structure. 15 members, representing each partner: Autonomous Province of Trento (2), Libyan Municipalities (10), Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia-Giulia (1), European Union Delegation to Libya (1), Liaison Manager (1)
Meets. 8 times during the four years of the project: 4 times in-presence and 4 times on-line
Objectives of the first meeting of the Steering Committee
- Mutual knowledge and trust enhancement among the partners
- Knowing the project and its adopted methodology, reaching a common vision on the project’s objectives, on the mutual commitment required by all partners, as well as on the connections with other programs and actors
- Approving the 1st Year Activity Plan
27th of September. Trento, Depero Room: Opening meeting
Maurizio Fugatti, President of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Walter Kaswalder, President of the Council of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Mattia Gottardi, Councilor of the Autonomous Province of Trento, responsible for Local authorities and relations with the Province Council
Gamal Abdnaser Bahar, Mayor of Az-Zawiya
Alsaqar Emran Fadhil Allah Ahmed Abuwujawuri, Mayor of Benghazi
Yones Ali Mohamed Al-Azoozey, Mayor of Beni Walid
Yosof Khalifa Ibderi, Mayor of Gharyan
Abraheem Hamid Alshawish, Mayor of Sabha (interim)
Fathi Suleman on behalf of the Mayor of Sirte
Faraj Hashim Abdulkarim Alkhattabiyah, Mayor of Tobruk
Ibrahim Ahmed Eshible, Mayor of Tripoli
Mustfa Mohammed Mohammed Albaroni, Mayor of Zintan
Muftah Ataher Muftah Ahmadi, Mayor of Zliten
Sandra Goffin, Head of Operations at the EU Delegation to Libya (online)
Filippo Terruso, Advisor at the Secretariat-General of the European Committee of the Regions (online)
Giovanni Gardelli, Unit for the Coordination of Local Authorities, Regional and Mountain Policies of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Flavio Deflorian, Rector of the University of Trento
Marco Tubino, President of the Centro per la Cooperazione Internazionale
27th of September. Trento, Consortium of Municipalities of Trentino – Meeting with the Council for Local Autonomies
Institutional meetings between the Steering Committee participants and the main institutions in Trentino
Meeting with the Consortium of Municipalities of Trentino and the Council for Local Autonomies on:
the framework of multilevel governance between Trentino Province and Municipalities
the experience of the Trentino Municipalities on local finance
the support that the Consortium of Municipalities of Trentino offers to municipalities in the provision of services, with particular attention to waste management, electricity grid and local transport
the role of the Training Agency of the Consortium on the competences of Municipalities’ staff
27th of September. Val di Non, MondoMelinda
Visit to Val di Non to learn about Trentino cooperatives and visit one of the main Trentino cooperative companies active in the agricultural sector.
The visit represented an opportunity to learn about the Trentino cooperative system, as well as deepening the understanding of the roles that the local authorities have had in supporting the cooperative movement in order to promote social cohesion through socio-economic development.
Visit Trentino – Val di Non
Agricultural cooperative consortium MondoMelinda (Predaia)
28th of September. Municipality of Trento – Meeting with the Mayor
Trento Municipality
Meeting with Franco Ianeselli, Mayor of Trento
28th of September. Trento, Depero Room – Main meeting of the Steering Committee
Main meeting of the Steering Committee to discuss and approve the main REBUILD working documents.
Members of REBUILD Steering Committee – REBUILD
Provincia autonoma di Trento
Mr Giovanni Gardelli
Ms Lorenza Biasetto
Municipality of Az-Zawiya
Mr Gamal Abdnaser Bahar
Municipality of Benghazi
Mr Alsaqar Emran Fadhil Allah Ahmed Abuwujawuri
Municipality of Beni Walid
Mr Yones Ali Mohamed Al-Azoozey
Municipality of Gharyan
Mr Yosof Khalifa Mohammed Ibderi
Municipality of Sabha
Mr Abraheem Hamid Alshawish
Municipality of Sirte
Mr Mukhtar Khalleefah Faraj Bin Khaleefah
Municipality of Tobruk
Mr Faraj Hashim Abdulkarim Alkhattabiyah
Mr Masoud Mohammed Sulayman Masoud
Municipality of Tripoli
Mr Ibrahim Ahmed Eshible
Municipality of Zintan
Mr Mustfa Mohammed Mohammed Albaroni
Municipality of Zliten
Mr Muftah Ataher Muftah Ahmadi
Friuli Venezia-Giulia Region
Ms Sandra Sodini
Mr Giulio Tarlao
Delegation of the European Union to Libya
Ms Marion Saurel
Liaison Manager
Ms Benedetta Oddo
REBUILD Project Management Unit
Ms Tiziana Bresciani
Mr Andrea Fruet
Mr Stefano Rossi
Mr Gabriel Echeverria
Mr Andrea Anselmi
Ms Paola Zanon
Ms Francesca Toniolo
With the kind support of
Ms Ileana Olivo
Ms Dolores Gervasi
Ms Chiara Sighele
Ms Silvia Destro
Ms Nicole Corritore
Mr Juan Torregrosa Rodriguez
28th of September. Val di Fiemme – Magnifica Comunità and Fiemme Servizi
Meeting with the local authorities and in particular the “Magnificent community”. An opportunity to learn about a self-governance system that has its roots in history and which still plays an important role in local socio-economic development and in the provision of services to the population.
28th of September. Pergine Castle – official dinner
29th of September. Buonconsiglio Castle: Final Meeting
In conclusion of the first meeting of the Steering Committee of the project REBUILD – Research and Education Building Urban Institutions for Local Development, united by the spirit of mutual trust and cooperation, the partners:
Recognizing the value of the Nicosia Initiative which has started six years ago as process of direct collaboration between European and Libyan local authorities upon the proposal by a delegation of Libyan mayors and under the aegis of the European Committee of the Regions,
Acknowledging that strategic peer-to-peer partnerships between European local authorities’ leaders and Libya’s mayors amid Libyan political uncertainty is a relevant and efficient approach to enhance well-being of Libyan citizens through supporting municipalities to deliver better services in key essential sectors and to support local governance in Libya
Acknowledging that the project REBUILD – Research and Education Building Urban Institutions for Local Development appropriately address the need to strengthen capacities of Libyan Municipalities through a training process delivered by Libyan universities, which is based on:
1. the key role of municipalities in promoting local development
2. a curriculum jointly defined among REBUILD partners
3. experiential learning processes
Reiterating partners’ full commitment in collaboration within the framework of the REBUILD project
Recognizing the need to adapt the project strategy and activities to the uncertain Libyan context and to the changes in its legislative and political framework.
The Partners:
1. highlight the importance of seeking synergies with other projects and programmes that are implemented by the Libyan authorities and by international organizations to foster the leading role of local authorities in development processes.
2. praise the commitment of the partnership coordinator, the Autonomous Province of Trento, to manage the project partnership with a collaborative spirit that implements and sustains dialogue and mutual trust; and share its experience of good governance.
3. praise the commitment of partner Municipalities, and especially of the Mayors as their leaders, to facilitate the implementation of the project by:
- leading the selection of the participants to the training activities and facilitate the logistic needed for its sound implementation
- fostering continuous dialogue with Libyan Universities and with other entities involved in the project
- assuring quality control of the training process by periodically meeting with the Local coordination group to evaluate progress and adjustments
- supporting and engaging in the creation of a Community of Practices aimed at sharing experiences, good practices and successful strategies among Libyan territories, also through periodical meetings among the Mayors themselves.
4. praise the commitment of the partner autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia for its valuable support to the fishery pilot project and its commitment in assisting the process to achieve the EU certification for Libyan fish export to European markets.
5. encourage the dialogue between Libyan Partner municipalities and the autonomous Province of Trento in identifying how to implement the pilot project concerning renewable energies applied to waste management in order to adapt it to Libyan needs and context.
6. encourage the Project Management Unit to work as proposed in the plan of action prepared and proposed by the Technical Board of the project and discussed and adopted by this Steering Committee.
7. agree to evaluate the 1st year-action plan by March 2022, when the next meeting of the Steering Committee is scheduled.