Message from Tiziana Bresciani, REBUILD project manager

Dear friends, my message is directed primarily to the people who are contributing with commitment, competence and passion to the pursuit of the objectives of REBUILD, now halfway through its implementation. I am happy to finally be able to give a positive message on the continuation of activities, linked to the success of financial transfers [...]

2023-04-11T16:18:53+02:00April 1st, 2023|

Training of Trainers process in the REBUILD project

Dr. Abeir Imneina, Trainer, University of Benghazi Universities play an important role in building the capacities of institutions and shaping them in order to serve the local community. They are able to communicate with various departments in order to support them in terms of consultancy and training. These activities contribute to strengthen their role at the [...]

2023-04-12T10:40:36+02:00February 28th, 2023|Tags: |

The High Seas Coast Fishing Unit Owners Association and the REBUILD project

WATCH THE VIDEO Peace upon you! REBUILD is one of the projects established by the Nicosia Initiative and participated by Libyan municipalities, the European Union and Italian local authorities. Its structure was proposed and built in coordination with the Italian institutions. In the framework of the project, we visited several municipalities in Italy as well [...]

2023-04-12T10:15:29+02:00February 27th, 2023|

The first mission to Libya, for the implementation of the Pilot Action on Fisheries

Leonardo Manzari, Senior International Expert, OGS- National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, REBUILD project The first mission to Libya, for the implementation of the Pilot Action on Fisheries, gave us the opportunity to get to know more closely the reality of a country experiencing such a profound internal conflict, poised between chaos and a [...]

2023-04-11T16:16:35+02:00February 27th, 2023|

Experiential Learning for the training of agents of local development: PROFADEL

Arnaldo Serna Arnaldo Serna, Coordinator of the PROFADEL International Network [The International Cooperation Centre (Trento, Italy) and Ciedel (Lyon, France) are members of PROFADEL network -] PROFADEL international network brings together training centres from three continents, 7 countries: France, Italy, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Togo, and Peru. Since 2000, we have been strengthening [...]

2024-04-15T23:26:40+02:00October 13th, 2022|Tags: , |
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