The pilot project ‘Fisheries’ is progressing according to the agreed implementation plan, that foresees the establishment of a fishery collection centre in the fishing port of Zliten municipality. Zliten municipality is constructing the building at its own expenses, while REBUILD through its partner implementing institution OGS (National Institute for Oceans and Experimental Geophysics- Friuli Venezia Giulia) has provided the technical assistance for the design of the building according to the EU required standards as well as purchasing the necessary equipment and tools and setting a comprehensive capacity building programme for about 15 operators to run the facility in the future. Furthermore, a six-month on the job training in Friuli Venezia Giulia – Italy, has been organised for four young veterinarians (two from Zliten, two from Tobruk) in partnership with IOM Y-Med program that promotes long term vocational training abroad to favour youth professional growth and employment in their countries of origin.
The Pilot project is progressing as follows:
First, Zliten Municipality:
1- Design phase: The engineering design of this facility was jointly drafted by the Zliten Municipality’s Project Department and local and international REBUILD experts (OGS).
2- Construction phase: Zliten Municipality tendered and selected a local construction company and started construction work in July 2024, on the occasion of the visit of the REBUILD technical team to the facility site.
3- Equipment and tools procurement phase: Once the list of equipment to be procured and supplied was identified, OGS management engaged experts to assess the most appropriate purchase channel in terms of feasibility, cost savings and timing.
Procurement will be done directly in Libya to save time and minimise transport costs; installation and commissioning will be taken care of by the same local suppliers as they know the local conditions better and are able to provide installation and delivery warranty and after-sales service assistance when needed.
The ٍREBUILD team field visit in the second half of July accelerated this process, allowing OGS General Services Office to immediately publish the tender and then draft the relevant contractual documents for the awarded company. Therefore, once the construction works are completed, ideally by the end of October/beginning of November, and once the contract is finalised and signed, the awarded company will be able to place orders for tools and equipment in 3 phases.
Considering all the formal steps mentioned above including the delivery, installation and commissioning of the equipment, the financial cycle of paying the supplier and other related logistical aspects, this work is expected to be achieved at the end of 2024 (in case of delay, it will be in early 2025).
4- Capacity building program: Until the conclusion of the project (March 2025), 15 operators identified by the municipality of Zliten, will be trained on EU standard procedures, and a simulation of the EU inspection process will be run, according to the schedule set at the beginning of the project, unless unforeseen delays occur.
Second, Sirte Municipality:
During the field mission in July, the REBUILD technical team visited Sirte Municipality, with the support of the Mayor of Sirte and the participation of the Mayor of Zliten and Tawergha, who accompanied the experts during the two-day visit. The visit was important to confirm and highlight the high potential of the fishing sector in this region, especially with the limited exploitation of local marine resources.
Furthermore, during the visit it has appeared clear the potential for a sustainable development of the fishery sector in the area, compatible with the strategy of restocking marine resources, as well as with the economic growth of local fishermen and operators and the whole local communities in general. These considerations are complemented by the infrastructure investments being made in the city: Vegetable market, fisheries retail market, commercial harbour, airport, etc.)
As for the artisanal fishing port (the only one that could be visited by the REBUILD team), a technical paper is being prepared for its inclusion in the project report (as done already for the other target cities) and delivered to the mayor of the municipality.
Another field visit is planned between October and November this year, to check the progress of the work in Zliten, and possibly return to Sirte or Tobruk.
Tobruk Municipality:
The first intervention in the Port of the Turks, additionally funded by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region within REBUILD, was drafted and agreed with the project management of the municipality. Here again, the scheme followed is based on construction/adaptation works covered by the municipality while the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region through OGS General Services Office will provide the specific equipment and required training. In early October the municipality informed the REBUILD team that the intervention cannot any longer target the identified fishing port (Port of the Turks). The municipality is currently identifying an alternative facility to intervene in (possibly the city’s fisheries market which is currently under construction).
Meanwhile, the partnership between the International Organisation for Migration and Friuli Venezia Giulia to support long term on the job training of young Libyan veterinarians continues to progress. In the framework of the IOM Y-Med (Young- Mediterranean) a program aimed at providing ‘on-the-job training’ to young professionals in the Mediterranean, Friuli Venezia Giulia has funded the support to four young veterinarians (2 from Zliten and 2 from Tobruk), following the identification of candidates, the availability of public veterinary control services in Friuli Venezia Giulia and local fisheries cooperatives. After a preparatory training course in Italian language, the candidates are expected to travel to Friuli Venezia Giulia in November for a 6-month ‘on-the-job training’ programme there.