During the last week, 2 participants from each of the 10 Libyan partner universities in Libya have gathered to work and exchange training experiences on the Management of Human Resources and on methods of adult training. The training was organised and is facilitated by CCI – International Cooperation Centre (Trento, Italy) in collaboration with Ciedel (Lyon, France) and the Libyan Municipal Development and Decentralisation Support Centre (MDDCS). The training has the final purpose of strengthening the capacities of the municipal staff of ten Libyan municipalities partner in the project. During the training, participants share experiences adapting the training to their local contexts, taking into account specificities of each municipality. For this purpose, the training was attended also by 5 members of REBUILD partner municipalities, who contributed by bringing in the classroom the real “on the ground” experience of human resources management in their constituencies.
During this week of training, different methodologies are used such as plenary sessions, presentations of experts, discussion, group work and field visits.
The training focuses on the organisational structure and functioning of a municipality, on the human resources management and leadership, on tools for action and inclusive approaches.
More information will follow in the forthcoming weeks, when the training from the universities to the staff of the 10 municipalities will take place.